Northamptonshire NHS wants to get people talking about end of life plans

The NHS in Northamptonshire are encouraging people to plan their future care and support as part of dying matters awareness week from May 18 to 24

Dying Matters Awareness Week aims to get people talking about dying, death and bereavement and making plans for their end of life. This year the theme is ‘Talk, Plan, Live’ which encourages the public to take five simple steps.

These are:

Write your will

Record your funeral wishes

Plan your future care and support

Consider registering as an organ donor

Tell your loved ones your wishes

In Northamptonshire the local NHS has created an easy to complete form which helps people to think about their wishes for care at the end of their life as well as their wishes for their funeral.

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Amanda Taylor from the End of Life Care Practice Development Team at Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We have created the Advance Care Plan to make it easier for people to make their wishes known if there is a time when they can no longer speak for themselves. It can help relieve stress and confusion for families at the end of someone’s life.

“The plan can be completed at any time in someone’s life even if you are young and healthy. It is a great way to help make talking about death normal and not something to be anxious talking about.

“Our message is that you should talk about it, make a plan and then get on with living.”

For more information and to download or order an advance care plan visit: