Northamptonshire named as top lottery winning county with 11 lucky millionaires gives users the chance to bet on the outcome of 18 lottos around the gives users the chance to bet on the outcome of 18 lottos around the world. gives users the chance to bet on the outcome of 18 lottos around the world.
A new study of historic lottery millionaires, dating back to the early days of the National Lottery in 1995, has revealed that Northamptonshire is one of the luckiest county in the UK with 11 winners.

The data, from analysis conducted by online lottery platform looks at over 100 individuals and has discovered the most common traits shared by millionaire winners in the UK.

The top three lottery winning counties in the UK is Northamptonshire with 11 wins, Yorkshire with 11 wins and Merseyside follows closely in third place with 10 wins.

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If you’re looking for the tools to become the next big winner, it might be a good idea to learn a trade, the gambling firm says.

Tradesmen are the most common lotto winners, with builders, carpenters, and mechanics all having windfalls in recent years. Data shows that tradesman have won the lottery 14 times, coach and bus drivers have bagged 13 wins and office workers have won the jackpot 12 times. COO, Pablo Grunbaum, said: “Whether we like it or not, some people are just luckier; and it’s probably your mate Dave.

"Our study of lotto draws shows us some interesting facts about who is historically most likely to win a million in the UK, and it seems that you might want to start thinking about hooking up with a northern tradesman if you want to increase your chances of winning."

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The figures also show that, in the battle of the sexes, men are only slightly luckier than women, winning 51 per cent of the wins analysed. However, on average women are winning bigger sums, landing nearly two million pounds more than the average male winner – £20.14 million compared to £18.23 million.

The lottery winner data revealed has been pulled from draw results between March 1995 and December 2017, which includes British citizens winning the UK Lotto, EuroMillions or EuroJackpot.