More Raunds photos from the 1950s

Here are some more fascinating photos of Raunds in the 1950s.

About 70 original photographic plates were given to the Raunds and District History Society about 20 years ago, and have just come to light.

They were taken by professional photographer A J George of Rushden but the society had no way of reproducing them – until the Northants Telegraph stepped in.

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Our former chief photographer Glyn Dobbs was able to work his magic on the plates and create top quality digital images for future historians to use.

The scenes here are of carnival day in the town in the 1950s – watch out for more pictures from the past in the coming weeks.

Do you recognise anybody in any of the pictures? Email us or post your memories on our Facebook page.

{‘Lost’ Raunds pictures from 1950s restored to former glory||}