Crime commissioner offers £250,000 to good causes in Northamptonshire...but you need to apply

Police, fire and crime commissioner Stephen MoldPolice, fire and crime commissioner Stephen Mold
Police, fire and crime commissioner Stephen Mold
A new range of grant funding is now available and open for applications through the office of Northamptonshire Police Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold.

This year, three different funds are available that will give a wider range of community groups, charities and other voluntary organisations options to seek funding, with more than £250,000 being made available.

Stephen Mold set up the Making Northamptonshire Safer fund in 2017 and since then, it has provided £100,000 to 13 different groups to allow them to undertake a wide variety of projects.

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Now a further £100,000 is available through the Making Northamptonshire Safer Fund, and that is complemented by two additional funds that are being made available through the Commissioner’s office: The Northamptonshire Road Safety Community Fund of £150,000 and the Tackling Hate Crime Fund with £11,000.

These three funds are making available a total of more than £250,000 for good causes in Northamptonshire.

The Making Northamptonshire Safer Fund provides grants of between £3,000 and £10,000 to groups carrying out projects that support the aims of the Police and Crime Plan: early intervention and preventing crime; enforcing robustly to fight crime and protect people; putting victims at the heart of justice and reducing reoffending.

The Northamptonshire Road Safety Community Fund is supported by the Safer Roads Alliance and gives grants of between £500 and £5,000 for initiatives that support the Northamptonshire Strategic Road Safety Plan: speed reduction; anti-social road use; distraction driving; drink or drug driving; road victims and their families; use of seatbelts; child restraints and seats; educational initiatives leading to positive behaviour change.

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The Tackling Hate Crime Fund is provided by the Northamptonshire Hate Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Delivery Group and is open for bids of between £1,000 and £11,000 for initiatives that will: support victims of hate crime or hate incidents; support confidence in reporting; support work with offenders to successfully change behaviour.

Northamptonshire Police Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold said: “I’m pleased to be able to make such a significant amount of money available to non-profit organisations and groups that are working in countless ways to support communities across the county.

“As well as supporting bids that are working to tackle crime, this year we are able to offer or administer funds for a wider range of work on road safety and hate crime. There are so many fantastic groups working in the county, I am really looking forward to seeing some strong bids come forward.”

Applications are now invited for all three funds, and the current round closes on May 31. Further details and application packs are available at