Members of Extinction Rebellion Wellingborough in the town centre todayMembers of Extinction Rebellion Wellingborough in the town centre today
Members of Extinction Rebellion Wellingborough in the town centre today

Extinction Rebellion stages protest in Wellingborough town centre

These pictures show some of the messages the group wanted to get across

Members of Extinction Rebellion Wellingborough held a peaceful protest in the town centre today (Wednesday).

Speaking ahead of the protest, the group said their ‘multi-faceted’ protest would raise several pressing issues, including:

- support for insulation in all homes, public buildings including schools, colleges and libraries, to reduce energy use and significantly reduce fuel costs to households

- support for solar panels to be made compulsory on all new houses and warehousing

- to end dependency on carbon products (oil, gas, coal) and support for renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro)

- raising support for the campaign ‘Enough is Enough1’

Many of these messages were written on the floor to bring them to the attention of people passing by.

However, as one of the messages reads, these will all wash away when it next rains.